
Providing Top-Tier Dev Talent for Nursa

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Nursa partnered with Flow Ninja to access talented Webflow developers who can match their fast-moving pace.

The Background

Nursa is a nationwide platform on a mission to quickly and efficiently connect qualified nurses to patients in need. It connects hospitals, health systems, skilled nursing facilities, and community organizations with local, pre-vetted nursing talent for per-diem shifts.

By addressing the challenges of traditional staffing methods, Nursa empowers healthcare providers to focus on delivering quality care to their patients.

The Challenge

Nursa, a high-growth company, required a web development partner who could match their agility and ambition.

Nursa's platform demanded specific functionalities that went beyond the capabilities of a standard Webflow setup. Because of this, they needed to access a highly qualified pool of Webflow developers to help them jump in and run fast.

What we did
Webflow Development
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The Solution

Nursa partnered with Flow Ninja, a full-service Webflow agency, to overcome these challenges.

Flow Ninja's team understood the strengths of Webflow and how to leverage them to Nursa's advantage. We were also adept at building custom code extensions that seamlessly integrated with the Webflow platform. This allowed us to deliver on Nursa's specific requirements, such as building new features, enhancing existing functionality, and integrating third-party systems.

The Results 

Nursa's platform is built on a foundation that can easily adapt to their continued growth, ensuring they can scale their business efficiently. Additionally, the user experience for both nurses and healthcare facilities has been significantly improved. Nurses and healthcare facilities can now navigate the platform with ease, leading to a more efficient and streamlined staffing process.

Finally, Flow Ninja's custom development delivered the specific functionalities Nursa needed to operate efficiently and effectively, giving them a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

The Accomplishment

  • Faster implementation and iteration of features in a fast-moving industry.
  • Ensuring smoother and more efficient website scalability.
  • Improving overall user experience on the Nursa website. 
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We see Flow Ninja developers as part of our team as they adapted to our way of doing things. They are pushing boundaries with us and Webflow as a platform.


Nenad Ivanovic

Product Manager at Nursa

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Mihajlo Djokic Account ExecutiveUros Mikic CEO of the Flow Ninja
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