How Does Webflow Enterprise Work?
How Does Webflow Enterprise Work?

How Does Webflow Enterprise Work?

Mihajlo Ivanovic
Mihajlo Ivanovic
14 Sep
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Businesses interested in having an enterprise website can opt for the enterprise pricing plan. It will enable them to customize their experience and get the best possible service from Webflow in addition to receiving the standard set of features of this website builder and hosting solution. 

Having an enterprise website with an enterprise-level content management system (CMS) is essential if you have large volumes of content added to your site and a big number of visitors.

Without Webflow, building and maintaining an enterprise website requires an entire team of engineers, designers, content managers, and more. Webflow enables companies to spend much less time and resources on this without compromising the overall quality.

This guide will explain how Webflow’s enterprise plans work and how an enterprise company can get the most from this website building and hosting service.


Enterprise Website Solutions

A few years ago, running an enterprise website was very developer-dependent. The slightest change required entire teams to focus on the site and approve it. The larger the website was, the more people were involved, and the more time was needed to make and maintain everything.

Webflow made a significant shift, putting websites into the hands of marketing teams instead of developers. It introduced various low-code and no-code features that made the development process much more sophisticated and easier.

The thing about enterprise websites is that they need to be easy to navigate for end-users and people who work behind the scenes. That’s where Webflow saves the day, as it streamlines the workflow for people building and maintaining the website, making it easy for each contributor to add, edit, and remove content.

With many organizations paying more attention to their enterprise websites as the main mean of marketing and communication with (potential) customers, allocating all resources to website development is slowly becoming a thing of the past. 

With Webflow, every enterprise site can be as flexible as possible, which is what every business needs. You’ll only have to use the visual interface that overlays the code and design the site in a drag-and-drop environment. In some cases, you might not have to write code at all.

Webflow as Enterprise Website Solution

Webflow still requires assistance from developers, but they can easily communicate their ideas with non-technical staff using the drag-and-drop builder, enabling them to quickly add and adjust various navigation bars, grids, buttons, columns, and more. Everyone can see the changes instantly on the canvas, another excellent feature of Webflow.

The two most important aspects of Webflow as a builder for enterprise sites are security and scalability, but there are more of them that keep impressing Webflow enterprise users.


Security means visitors can access the site without worrying whether their sensitive data will be exposed in any way. The security protocols used by Webflow are military-grade, ensuring maximum protection for every visitor.

To ensure the robustness of their security measures, Webflow conducts third-party audits. These audits involve independent security experts or organizations assessing the security of Webflow's hosting infrastructure and the platform itself. Third-party audits provide an objective evaluation of security practices and help identify potential weaknesses that need addressing.

Moreover, Webflow takes proactive steps to identify and mitigate common web application attack vectors. Some of the specific attack vectors mentioned include:

  • CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) — This type of attack tricks users into performing actions they didn't intend to do, often involving unauthorized actions on their behalf.
  • XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) — XSS vulnerabilities allow attackers to inject all kinds of dangerous scripts into pages that other users visit, potentially compromising their data or sessions.
  • XFS (Cross-Site Flashing) — XFS is a variant of XSS that involves the injection of malicious Adobe Flash content into websites.
  • SQL Injection — SQL injection attacks target vulnerabilities in web applications to manipulate or extract data from databases.

By thoroughly screening for these and other vulnerabilities during their engineering and quality assurance (QA) processes, Webflow aims to prevent such attacks from occurring.

Finally, Webflow has implemented advanced DDoS protection measures to mitigate the impact of these attacks. This includes traffic filtering and traffic management systems that can recognize and block malicious traffic patterns, helping to ensure the availability of websites hosted on Webflow's platform even during DDoS attacks.


Having scalability means the site can scale up or down depending on the content and the number of visitors.

Here’s how Webflow improved its scalability over time.

  • Historical limitations — In the past, Webflow's CMS had limitations that restricted customers to 10,000 or fewer CMS items. These limitations have been addressed and improved over the last year to lay the foundation for greater scalability.
  • Great storage architecture — Webflow has developed a storage architecture for CMS content, allowing them to scale effectively with Enterprise customers. This means that Webflow is now capable of serving websites with well beyond 10,000, 20,000, or even 100,000+ items, accommodating custom levels of CMS scale.
  • Increased CMS collections — The improvements also result in an increased number of CMS Collections, which allows for a greater variety of content types on websites.
  • Performance enhancements — Webflow has made foundational improvements to product performance, including loading CMS content faster within the Designer and significantly faster publishing speeds, particularly for websites with extensive content. They've also introduced WebP image support for improved site performance.
  • Scalable storage architecture — Webflow's new scalable storage architecture is designed for efficiency, offering faster data storage and retrieval within the product. It is optimized to expand as both customers and their content bases grow, ensuring long-term scalability.


Having a website compliant with various regulations speaks volumes about your business, meaning visitors and customers will appreciate your goods and services more.

Here’s a detailed overview of how Webflow can assist you with compliance.

Accessibility (WCAG Compliance)

  • Responsive design — Webflow allows you to create responsive websites, ensuring your content is accessible and usable on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
  • Web accessibility components — Webflow provides accessibility components, such as ARIA roles and attributes, which can be added to your website elements to improve accessibility for users with disabilities.
  • Keyboard navigation — You can design websites in Webflow that are navigable and usable with keyboard inputs, a critical requirement for accessibility compliance.
  • Webflow University — Webflow offers educational resources and tutorials on accessibility best practices, including how to design websites that conform to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Data Privacy (GDPR, CCPA, etc.):

  • Data handling — Webflow allows you to customize how data is collected and stored on your website, providing tools to manage user consent and data retention.
  • Cookie consent banner — You can add a customizable cookie consent banner to your website to inform visitors about cookies and obtain their consent, as required by GDPR and similar regulations.
  • Secure hosting — Webflow provides secure hosting and uses HTTPS to encrypt data in transit, enhancing data security and privacy.

Content Management and Compliance

Webflow's CMS features allow you to organize and manage your website's content efficiently, which can aid in complying with content management requirements.

E-commerce Compliance

If you run an e-commerce website, Webflow offers features like secure payment processing and tools for managing customer data securely, which can help you comply with payment card industry (PCI) and data privacy standards.


Webflow’s sites have fast loading times, can handle traffic, and scale to accept more content.

Take a look at some of the performance features that you get as an enterprise client. 

  • Robust hosting — Webflow offers robust hosting solutions, ensuring websites load quickly and remain accessible.
  • Global content delivery — Utilizing a Content Delivery Network (CDN), Webflow accelerates content delivery to users worldwide, reducing latency.
  • Efficient code generation — Webflow's code generation is highly efficient, optimizing website performance by enabling fast rendering.
  • Lazy loading support — Webflow implements lazy loading, a technique where assets load on-demand, enhancing page load times and user experience.
  • Effective caching — With browser caching, Webflow efficiently stores frequently accessed assets, diminishing the need for redundant downloads.
  • Custom code integration — Webflow seamlessly integrates custom code, allowing advanced performance enhancements or third-party integrations.
  • SEO optimization — Webflow equips users with SEO optimization tools and features to boost search engine rankings effectively.
  • Regular performance enhancements — Through continuous updates, Webflow enhances website performance, security, and feature set.
  • Scalable infrastructure — Webflow's scalable infrastructure accommodates website growth effortlessly, ensuring consistent high performance.


Any change on the site can be quickly done without involving your entire engineering team.

Webflow's visual editor allows users to make real-time changes to their websites by simply clicking, dragging, and dropping elements. 

Moreover, Webflow offers a library of agile templates that serve as starting points for website creation. Users can customize these templates to match their unique needs and branding, saving time compared to building from scratch.

Finally, Webflow offers collaboration features that allow team members to work together on website projects. This streamlines the process of making changes and updates, even when multiple stakeholders are involved.


Ownership, in this context, means that the individual or organization has the legal and operational rights to the website. This includes control over the content, design, functionality, and any associated data.

What is a Webflow Enterprise Partner Program?

So far, we’ve discussed what you’ll get as a Webflow customer opting for the hosting or workspace enterprise packages. However, they are not to be confused with the Webflow Enterprise Partner program.

Webflow is both a tool for professionals who offer website building/maintenance services and companies looking to have their websites built. To promote the first group, the platform has created a section called Webflow Experts, where you can find professionals who have mastered Webflow and can help you with your Webflow-based project. 

To meet the needs of enterprise businesses, the service also launched the Webflow Enterprise Partner program, which features top-of-the-class digital agencies and studios that can assist you with building enterprise sites. They offer to help you with enterprise projects on Webflow, mainly focusing on design and development. 

Flow Ninja is listed as one of the Webflow Enterprise Partners.

Some of the reasons we’ve made it to this list includes our robust service for any Webflow project, including 

  • End-to-end experience — We start from scratch, designing, developing and developing your Webflow project.
  • Custom web development — We harness the power of visual development to add more functionality, and we don’t shy away from using custom code either for robust web apps.
  • Ongoing partnership — As your go-to Webflow partner, Flow Ninja is open for an ongoing collaboration, helping you grow your project.

Webflow Enterprise vs Other Plans

Here’s the main difference between the enterprise and other Webflow plans.

  • Enterprise Plans — Designed for large businesses, organizations, and agencies with complex web development needs, high traffic, and specific customization requirements.
  • Other Plans (e.g., Basic, CMS, Business) — Suited for individuals, small to medium-sized businesses, freelancers, and startups with varying website needs and budgets.

Enterprise plans are custom-priced to accommodate the diverse needs and budgets of large organizations. This approach ensures that the pricing aligns precisely with the required features, hosting resources, and support levels, making it a cost-effective choice for enterprises with complex requirements.

Who Will Not Need the Enterprise Plan

Individuals, small businesses, startups, and freelancers with standard website needs and limited budgets may find that Webflow's other plans (e.g., Basic, CMS, Business) offer ample features and hosting capabilities to meet their requirements without the complexity or cost associated with enterprise plans. These users typically don't require the high level of customization, scalability, and dedicated support provided by enterprise plans.

Webflow Enterprise Pricing

It is important to note that Webflow doesn't have a single enterprise plan price, but they are customized based on the needs and requirements of users.

Some of the benefits you will get if you choose enterprise hosting are as follows:

  • Custom domain
  • 10,000+ CMS items
  • Custom monthly form submissions
  • Custom bandwidth
  • Custom Guest editors
  • Uptime SLAs

However, suppose you have an in-house team ready to work on your Webflow enterprise website. In that case, you can pick the enterprise workspace plan, which allows you to customize your experience further and tailor Webflow’s services to your needs. Here’s a quick overview of some perks of choosing this type of enterprise plan

  • Unlimited seats
  • Unlimited unhosted sites
  • Custom code
  • Code export
  • Billing permissions
  • Publishing permissions
  • Advanced security, customer success, and performance

To learn more about the two enterprise pricing plans and all other pricing options, make sure to check out our comprehensive overview of the pricing system at Webflow.

Why Choose Webflow?

Webflow is the best choice for an enterprise website, as it streamlines the website-building process and makes it easy for teams to collaborate on the site’s maintenance and dynamic content. 

Unlike WordPress, Webflow doesn’t have community-built plugins that could affect your site’s performance. Moreover, Webflow is designed to write clean code while using the drag-and-drop editor, which further contributes to the overall speed and experience. In addition, it offers excellent flexibility, scalability, and security, providing a smooth sail for your website visitors.

If you’re unsure if Webflow is a good choice, you can always try it for free and decide whether it’s a good fit for your enterprise site.

Finally, if you have an enterprise-worthy Webflow project and need a reliable partner to help you grow it, make sure to get in touch with Flow Ninja.

Mihajlo Ivanovic

Mihajlo Ivanovic

Mihajlo is the one who replaces Lorem Ipsum texts with the actual copy - an SEO and content expert at Flow Ninja. He has 10+ years of experience as a content writer for various industries. He also plays bass occasionally.

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