Nina’s Story: An Award-Winning Pianist Who Became a PM at Flow Ninja
Nina’s Story: An Award-Winning Pianist Who Became a PM at Flow Ninja

Nina’s Story: An Award-Winning Pianist Who Became a PM at Flow Ninja

Mihajlo Ivanovic
Mihajlo Ivanovic
Flow Ninja
28 Jul
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“I went to Grammar School and then enrolled at the University of Niš, Faculty of Economics. I still I must pass seven more exams to graduate. I was born in ‘99. I live in Niš and have an older sister.” 

Nina starts her introduction by rapidly answering questions about herself and already telling a lot about her character: she doesn’t like beating around the bush.

Like many other team members, Nina is young and passionate about her job. Yet, her passion is not new. As it turns out, she has been playing piano since she was five. “I’ve won a silver medal at an international piano competition in Italy.”

Here’s a story of how Nina became part of Flow Ninja.

Nina and Flow Ninja: Love at First Sight

“I’ve been working at Flow Ninja since May 2022, where I started doing various tasks as a project and marketing manager. Later, I switched entirely to project management, where I thought I really belonged.”

Nina actually received formal education for this position, as most of the subjects in her college were related to company management. “I’ve never wanted to be a bookkeeper or anything related to finance. I’ve always been more attracted to the roles that require being surrounded and working with people.

She added that she liked the idea of being a manager in an IT company, and the current position at Flow Ninja seemed to fit that vision pretty well. 

How’s It Going at Flow Ninja, Nina?

“I really love how dynamic my job is at Flow Ninja. I’ve got to work with various cool people in and outside our organization. Sure, there are ups and downs, like in every job, but I enjoy the challenge.”

Nina admitted that the best part is facing challenges, making each work day unique and fun.

“The best feeling in the world is completing and launching a project that lasted for some time. If we also receive a 5/5 Clutch review after that, it’s a sign that it was all worth it.”

Nina also praised the Flow Ninja team: “I like how our team consists mainly of young people who already know what they want from life. Each of us has hobbies we’re passionate about, yet everyone is also very dedicated to their jobs here at Flow Ninja.

Nina said she couldn’t pick just one favorite memory related to Flow Ninja. “As I said, I really like the feeling when we complete a project. It’s a very joyous moment for me. Also, team building activities are always fun!

A Round of Rapid-Fire Questions for Nina

What’s your favorite remote work location?

Somewhere by the sea, I’d say. However, I like coming to the office and hanging out with my colleagues. We often grab a drink after work, which I truly enjoy.

Can you recommend a movie or a TV show?
I like Spanish thrillers. The first thing that comes to mind is El Cuerpo. For shows, I’d recommend Peaky Blinders, but I am also a huge fan of the CSI series and CSI: Miami is my favorite show of all time. I even wanted to be a detective for a while when I was a kid.

What’s your favorite travel destination?

Spain. Anywhere in Spain.

Which activity should everyone try?

Snowboarding, definitely. I really dig the adrenaline.

Can you recommend a video game?

Well, we all played Sims: Life Stories as kids, and I also enjoyed playing Need For Speed with my dad when I was small.

Anything else you can recommend?

Let me see… Cold mocha from Kafeterija. Oh yeah, and I am sailing on a sailboat soon, which seems like a thing everyone should try.

Mihajlo Ivanovic

Mihajlo Ivanovic

Mihajlo is the one who replaces Lorem Ipsum texts with the actual copy - an SEO and content expert at Flow Ninja. He has 10+ years of experience as a content writer for various industries. He also plays bass occasionally.

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Mihajlo Ivanovic
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